Autumn newsletter 2012

December 8, 2012 on 12:47 am | In Eurisol user group news | Comments Off on Autumn newsletter 2012

Dear Colleagues,

this newsletter brings you a number of news about Eurisol Net.

The first is that the fourth and last topical meeting of the “Eurisol Net” phase will be held in Krakow on 1-3 July 2013 and the topic will be “Going to the limits of mass, temperature, spin and isospin with heavy radioactive ion beams”. The web page is already active and registration will open next year.

The first town meeting and  third topical meeting were held last October in Lisbon. The subject of the topical meeting was  “Physics of Light Exotic Nuclei”.  Presentations are available at . We are now collecting the contributions from the speakers and the report will be ready by the end of the Spring 2013. I remind you that the reports of the other two  topical meetings are already available at the Eurisol User Group web page

We have just published on the same web page the minutes of the last User Executive Committee meeting. Please read them carefully because I am herewith asking the community to express its opinion on a delicate point discussed  there and then.

The point is the following: according to the Charter we should run by the end of this year the election of five new members of the UEC. The Charter was written before we entered Eurisol Net and thus before it was decided to run the topical meetings as the basis for writing the 44th month (April 2014)  deliverable of the network “Updated Physics and Instrumentation case for ISOL facilities and for Eurisol”. The present UEC is responsible for organizing the Krakow meeting and this seems appropriate as among us there are several experts in the subjects which will be  covered at this meeting, like e.g. the “Super Heavy Nuclei” .  Thus we have been wondering whether it would not be better to continue to keep the present committee till the final town meeting in 2014 to ensure the smooth continuity of our activities and the proper “delivery of the deliverable”. We could then re-organize the UEC after it will be clear how the Eurisol project will evolve.

Please let us know your opinion by writing comments on our blog or directly to me at

I would like to inform the community that Maria J G Borge (CERN) has joined as a new member of the Project Office. Let me remind you that the Project office is a body which oversees the activities related to furthering the EURISOL concept and the current composition is: M. J. G. Borge, Y. Blumenfeld, A. Facco, M. Lewitowicz, P. Van Duppen.  
Thanks to Ketel Turzo we have now an Eurisol Net  page inside the ENSAR web page  .  There you will find also the report from the Eurisol Net workshop on R&D which was held at CERN on June 27-28, 2011.

Let me finish by sending  you and your families our best wishes for the coming festivities,

Angela Bonaccorso (On behalf of the UEC).

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