Unbound Nuclei Workshop
May 7, 2008 on 4:13 pm | In Conferences | Comments Off on Unbound Nuclei WorkshopWorkshop on Unbound Nuclei. INFN, Sez. di Pisa. 3-5 November 2008.
A small workshop on Unbound Nuclei (experimental techiques to produce and detect them
and theoretical models of structure and reactions) will be held at Pisa 3-5 Nov 2008. It will be very informal and each talk will have plenty of time (about 45min including discussion). There will be no conference fee for speakers and some local support will be offered in case of necessity.
The preliminary list of colleagues who have already agreed to participate is:
Thomas Aumann T.Aumann@gsi.de
Didier Beaumel beaumel@ipno.in2p3.fr
Francisco Pérez Bernal francisco.perez.bernal@pd.infn.it
*George Bertsch bertsch@phys.washington.edu
Carlos Bertulani Carlos_Bertulani@tamu-commerce.edu
Guillaume Blanchon blanchon@df.unipi.it
David Brink thph0032@herald.ox.ac.uk
Florin Carstoiu carstoiu@theory.nipne.ro
Leonid Chulkov L.Chulkov@gsi.de
Ushasi Datta Pramanik ushasi.dattapramanik@saha.ac.in
*Lidia Ferreira flidia@ist.utl.pt
Sydney Galès gales@ganil.fr
Mikhail Golovkov golovkov@nrmail.jinr.ru
*Ikuko Hamamoto ikuko@matfys.lth.se
*Mahir Hussein mhussein@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de
Aksel Jensen asj@phys.au.dk
Björn Jonson bjn@fy.chalmers.se
Valérie Lapoux valerie.lapoux@cea.fr
Horst Lenske Horst.Lenske@theo.physik.uni-giessen.de
Antonio Moro moro@us.es
Tohru Motobayashi motobaya@riken.jp
Takashi Nakamura nakamura@ap.titech.ac.jp
Nigel Orr orr@lpccaen.in2p3.fr
Sonja Orrigo Sonja.Orrigo@theo.physik.uni-giessen.de
*John Shiffer schiffer@anl.gov
Patricia Roussel Chomaz patricia.chomaz@ganil.fr
Isao Tanihata tanihata@rcnp.osaka-u.ac.jp
Gurgen TerAkopian Gurgen.TerAkopian@jinr.ru
Michael Thoennessen thoennessen@nscl.msu.edu
Andrea Vitturi vitturi@pd.infn.it
*to be confirmed.
A registration form and further information are available at
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