Graziano Fortuna (1949-2019)

April 22, 2019 on 7:02 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Group | Comments Off on Graziano Fortuna (1949-2019)

We are sorry to inform the community of the untimely passing away of Graziano Fortuna. Graziano played a major role in the development of the EURISOL concept. He led the preparation of the application for the EURISOL Design Study and was the coordinator of the contract until the summer of 2006 when he was called to other occupations at INFN in Rome. He remained an active member of the management board of EURISOL DS until its conclusion in 2009. His technical mastery of accelerator physics combined with his intimate knowledge of the European Nuclear Physics scene was instrumental in the success of the Design Study. He will be sorely missed by our community.

Yorick Blumenfeld, Angela Bonaccorso, Marek Lewitowicz, Berta Rubio.