Representative of NUSPRASEN of ENSAR2 within the UEC

November 13, 2016 on 12:52 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee, User Group | Comments Off on Representative of NUSPRASEN of ENSAR2 within the UEC

The representative of the NUSPRASEN network of ENSAR2 within the UEC (see CHARTER) is Angela Bonaccorso. She is ex-officio member of the UEC without voting rights for the duration of the ENSAR2 contract (four years starting 1st March 2016).


Minutes of the UEC meeting to elect the new chair

November 13, 2016 on 12:35 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee, User Group | Comments Off on Minutes of the UEC meeting to elect the new chair

Minutes of the meeting held in Leuven on the 19th October 2016, h13:00-14:00.

Present: Didier Beaumel, Maria Borge, Giacomo de Angelis, Lidia Ferreira (via skype), Adam Maj, Iain Moore, Riccardo Raabe, Berta Rubio, Spain (via skype),
Absent: Haik Simon (excused).

The Eurisol User Executive Committee met with the main goal to elect the chair of committee.
It was decided by acclamation that the new chair will be Berta Rubio.
In addition it was decided to have a deputy, who could replace the Chair if she cannot be present. Also by acclamation it was chosen Riccardo Raabe.
It was also decided that the chair (and deputy) term will be one year, extended to another year if the chair will agree to that.

Congratulations to Berta and Riccardo!.

Berta Rubio
Riccardo Raabe