June 21, 2016 on 6:00 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee, User Group | Comments Off on UEC ELECTIONS 2016

The elections of the new UEC have run smoothly from 10th to 20th June 2016 and there were 193 voters.

The candidates were:

Rosa Alba, Italy;
Andrei Andreyev, UK;
Didier Beaumel, France;
José Benlliure, Spain;
Maria Borge, CERN;
Emmanuel Clement, France;
Giacomo de Angelis, Italy;
Lidia Ferreira, Portugal;
Angela Gargano, Italy;
Adam Maj, Poland;
Iain Moore, Finland;
Riccardo Raabe, Belgium;
Peter Reiter, Germany;
Berta Rubio, Spain;
Haik Simon, Germany;
Emanuele Vardaci, Italy;
Robert Wadsworth, UK.

The nine new elected members are (in alphabetic order):

Didier Beaumel, France;
Maria Borge, CERN;
Giacomo de Angelis, Italy;
Lidia Ferreira, Portugal;
Adam Maj, Poland;
Iain Moore, Finland;
Riccardo Raabe, Belgium;
Berta Rubio, Spain;
Haik Simon, Germany.

We wish them all the best for their future work. We thank the other colleagues who accepted to stand in the elections and hope they will continue to support the EURISOL project. Thanks in particular to those among the USERS, who participated in the vote.

The new UEC will meet in Autumn, elect the new Chair and the future activities will be posted on this webpage.

We thank all of you who in the past ten years, have participated in the EURISOL UEC activities, organized Topical Meetings and helped writing the reports. All relevant information and documents can be found on this webpage.

The members of the former UEC:
Dieter Ackermann, Bertram Blank, Lidia Ferreira, Hans Fymbo, Ari Jokinen, Marek Lewitowicz, Adam Maj, Paddy Regan, Angela Bonaccorso.

Minutes of the UEC meeting Friday 6th May 2016 h 10:00-11:30

June 13, 2016 on 5:36 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee, User Group | Comments Off on Minutes of the UEC meeting Friday 6th May 2016 h 10:00-11:30

Present (all by Skype): Dieter Ackermann, Bertram Blank, Angela Bonaccorso, Lidia Ferreira, Ari Jokinen, Marek Lewitowicz. Excused: Hans Fynbo, Adam Maj, Paddy Regan.

Agenda: Elections of a new UEC.

The last elections took place on July 2010. New elections should have taken place during the summer 2012 but were postponed because of the Lisbon and Krakow topical meeting organization, October 2012 and July 2013 respectively and then the proximity with the end of the ENSAR contract and the need to write the final report (deliverable of the project April 2014).

After the beginning of the ENSAR2 contract (March 2016) it is decided to held new elections.

Members elected last time (18 July 2010) were Lidia Ferreira, Hans Fynbo, Adam Maj, Paddy Regan. Lidia Ferreira and Adam Maj have agreed on being candidates again to ensure some continuity.

Names of possible new candidates are proposed and the members decide to contact them informally while a message will be sent to the EURISOL UG mailing list to call for candidatures.

ADDENDUM to the minutes.

An AMENDMENT to the CHARTER is proposed by Y.Blumenfeld and C. Scheidenberger on 12th May 2016:? “A representative of the NUSPRASEN network of ENSAR2 is ex-officio member of the UEC without voting rights for the duration of the ENSAR2 contract.”

with the justification that

“The EURISOL User Group activities will be integrated into the activities of the NUSPRASEN network of ENSAR2. This will allow (partial) funding of the UEC activities through ENSAR2. It is therefore important that close interaction be maintained between the UEC and NUSPRASEN.”

Approved on 19th May 2016 by two thirds of the UEC: D. Ackermann, B. Blank, A. Bonaccorso, L. Ferreira, M. Lewitowicz, A. Maj.

H. Fymbo, A. Jokinen, P. Regan, abstained.