Autumn newsletter 2012
December 8, 2012 on 12:47 am | In Eurisol user group news | Comments Off on Autumn newsletter 2012Dear Colleagues,
this newsletter brings you a number of news about Eurisol Net.
The first is that the fourth and last topical meeting of the “Eurisol Net” phase will be held in Krakow on 1-3 July 2013 and the topic will be “Going to the limits of mass, temperature, spin and isospin with heavy radioactive ion beams”. The web page is already active and registration will open next year.
The first town meeting and third topical meeting were held last October in Lisbon. The subject of the topical meeting was “Physics of Light Exotic Nuclei”. Presentations are available at . We are now collecting the contributions from the speakers and the report will be ready by the end of the Spring 2013. I remind you that the reports of the other two topical meetings are already available at the Eurisol User Group web page
We have just published on the same web page the minutes of the last User Executive Committee meeting. Please read them carefully because I am herewith asking the community to express its opinion on a delicate point discussed there and then.
The point is the following: according to the Charter we should run by the end of this year the election of five new members of the UEC. The Charter was written before we entered Eurisol Net and thus before it was decided to run the topical meetings as the basis for writing the 44th month (April 2014) deliverable of the network “Updated Physics and Instrumentation case for ISOL facilities and for Eurisol”. The present UEC is responsible for organizing the Krakow meeting and this seems appropriate as among us there are several experts in the subjects which will be covered at this meeting, like e.g. the “Super Heavy Nuclei” . Thus we have been wondering whether it would not be better to continue to keep the present committee till the final town meeting in 2014 to ensure the smooth continuity of our activities and the proper “delivery of the deliverable”. We could then re-organize the UEC after it will be clear how the Eurisol project will evolve.
Please let us know your opinion by writing comments on our blog or directly to me at
I would like to inform the community that Maria J G Borge (CERN) has joined as a new member of the Project Office. Let me remind you that the Project office is a body which oversees the activities related to furthering the EURISOL concept and the current composition is: M. J. G. Borge, Y. Blumenfeld, A. Facco, M. Lewitowicz, P. Van Duppen.
Thanks to Ketel Turzo we have now an Eurisol Net page inside the ENSAR web page . There you will find also the report from the Eurisol Net workshop on R&D which was held at CERN on June 27-28, 2011.
Let me finish by sending you and your families our best wishes for the coming festivities,
Angela Bonaccorso (On behalf of the UEC).
Minutes of the UEC Meeting Lisbon 19th October 2012.
December 7, 2012 on 7:40 pm | In Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee | Comments Off on Minutes of the UEC Meeting Lisbon 19th October 2012.Minutes of the EURISOL UEC meeting Thursday 19th October 2012, 17:30-18:30h, IST, Lisbon
Present: Dieter Ackermann (via skype), Angela Bonaccorso , Lidia Ferreira, Hans Fynbo, Marek Lewitowicz, Adam Maj, Piet Van Duppen and Alberto Facco (invited for the PO). Excused: B. Blank, A. Jokinen, P. Regan.
Subject and place of the next Topical meeting to be held in 2013. There were two proposals: Krakow, Poland and Jyväskylä, Finland.
Next elections. According to the Charter we must have them by the end of 2012. The people who should be replaced this time are: AB, Dieter Ackermann, Bertram Blank, Ari Jokinen, Marek Lewitowicz.
Final report by AB, on the activities of the UG so-far.
UEC and Project office, mutual relationship and status of EURISOL.
Welcome and start of the connection to DA via skype.
AB explains that the timing of the topical meeting in 2013 has to be carefully organized such that by the end of 2013 the report is ready, This together with the reports from the previous three other TMs and a general introduction and conclusion will constitute the deliverable D-NA03-2, due in April 2014 (month 44 of the ENSAR contract).
AM proposes high spin (hs) and isospin physics related to fusion reactions. Instrumentation and application subject is discussed but it does not seem appropriate for the TM but rather for the Town M. HF agrees on the high spin subject. LF proposes two TMs in 2013. AB is concerned with timing, money and attendance. LF proposes to have two topics in one meeting (hs+applications). DA suggests to have hs and heavy nuclei (hn) if the TM could be extended to four days. ML suggests to generalize and widen the subject to gamma-ray physics. He is concerned with possible overlap with ECOS and FUSHE.
DA explains about FUSHE activity and that he thinks RIBs are important for heavy elements if stopped beams could be used and that the subject of the workshop should be wide enough to cover also nuclei with mass around 150. AF does not wish to express an opinion. PVD agrees with the hs+hv subjects and as for the medical applications he suggests to look to the forthcoming NuPPEC report in order to include the subject in the final Eurisol report. After a little discussion on a good title to include both hs and hn the title of the next topical meeting is decided to be: “Going to the limits of mass, temperature, spin and isospin with heavy Radioactive Ion Beams”.
There is then an exchange of opinions about the choice of the place to hold such a meeting.
AM presents the Warsaw-Krakow site proposal also in relation to the fact that Poland is going to sign the MoU. AB asks whether Finland has been asked to sign the MoU. PVD answers that they have not expressed intention to sign as of today. ML re-proposes Ganil-Orsay combination for the next Town meeting also in tandem with an ECOS workshop. AB is not convinced about the combination of the two. HF reminds the others that in the message of AJ as of today there was a proposal for a TM+ECOS meeting, thus AB reads the message received by Ari Jokinen. and the other by BB and YB.
HF and LF express no preference between Poland and Finland. ML express a slight preference for Poland from the practical point of view as he thinks the attendance would be higher due to the easiness of travel and probably lower air fares. Then AB asks AM to explain the possible costs in Poland. AM explains that the meeting could take place in the center of Krakow with many B&B around and typical cost 60euro/day. They will try to organize lunches, take care of the cost (if any) of the auditorium and any other organization expense. Then there is a discussion on traveling. It appears that it is getting more and more complicated to go to Jyväskylä because of reduced number of flights. Finally AB makes a resume of when and where the subject and place of previous meetings and the following one had been proposed. Based on the fact that Poland had offered for long time to host a meeting and that there has been no other single activity there related to Eurisol before, it is finally decided to accept their proposal and Krakow is chosen. It is suggested by ML that should it be necessary some ENSAR money will be used to support travel to Poland of young Finish students and/or postdocs. Also AM suggests that he will contact AJ asap in order to start setting up the program that has to be discussed at the next UEC meeting (see below). The date is then discussed and considering various constraints 1-3 July 2013 is chosen.
The community will be informed as soon as A. Maj gives the final confirmation. Also it is to be checked with YB how much the Network could contribute towards the cost of the social dinner and support for invited speakers.
There is then a detailed discussion about the next elections and UEC and Project Office, mutual relationship and status of EURISOL. AB explains that according to the charter five members should leave their post to new-comers. This time it is clear that the members who will have to go are DA, AB, BB, ML, AJ. AB says that her plan was to run the elections following the Lisbon meeting, invite the new members to the next UEC meeting where the new committee would elect the new chair-person. If invited AB would continue to participate into the meetings in order to help following the traditions established for the functioning of the UG. She would do that as she is the chair of Task2, and will have to write the deliverable D-NA03-2 (updated physics and instrumentation case for ISOL facilities and for EURISOL) due in April 2014 (month 44 of the ENSAR contract). There is then a discussion about the fact that both AJ and DA are experts on the topic of the next TM and as such it would be appropriate that they would not be replaced. AB reminds the others that the rules were established before the ENSAR contract started and before the topical meetings were decided to be the way of preparing reports for the final deliverable. The idea to change half of the members every second year originated from the wish to keep as many people as possible involved in the activities and the whole community interested. PVD asks whether there has been any special interest shown by someone to join the UEC and/or any complains on the way the UG has been run so far. He notices that the discussion at the end of the Town Meeting just one hour earlier had shown that indeed the community has been rather unactive in the last year or so. It is asked how many participants there were this time. Lidia answers about 40, while previous meetings had 60-70. ML suggests that perhaps seen the delicacy of the moment the present committee should stay in charge till the end of the ENSAR contract in order to make sure that all requirements will be met. AB proposes to write a newsletter to update the community and encourage opinions on the road map for Eurisol and the UG.
AB finally says that her presentation at the Town meeting has to be considered her report on Task2 and the UG activities. Her presentation is available at
Finally the next UEC meeting is fixed for Monday 21st January 2013 in Pisa.