Report of the 2nd Eurisol User Group Topical Meeting

June 25, 2012 on 12:56 pm | In Conferences, Eurisol user group news | Comments Off on Report of the 2nd Eurisol User Group Topical Meeting

The 2nd Eurisol User Group Topical Meeting was held at the Colegio Mayor Rector Peset, Valencia, Spain, 21-23 February 2011, on “Neutron deficient exotic nuclei and the physics of the proton rich side of the nuclear chart”. The report is now available at

Protected: Minutes of the EURISOL UEC meeting 2nd March 2012, CERN

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1st Circular: EURISOL WEEK, Lisbon 15-18 October 2012

June 20, 2012 on 6:40 pm | In Conferences, Eurisol user group news, User Executive Committee, User Group | 1 Comment

1st Circular: EURISOL WEEK
EURISOL-NET 3rd Topical Meeting on “Physics of light exotic nuclei” and EURISOL Town Meeting

The EURISOL User Executive Committee and Project Office — supported by the EURISOL-NETWORK of the ENSAR contract — will hold the 3rd EURISOL Topical Meeting on the Physics of light exotic nuclei and a Town Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, from 15th to 18th October, 2012, hosted by the IST, Lisbon and chaired by Prof. Lidia Ferreira. Some EURISOL Committee and Project Meetings will take place on the 19th of October. These Topical and Town Meetings will be an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and information between participants of EURISOL and the community at large. They will also provide a forum for discussing the proposed EURISOL Collaboration, to be set up with the objective of continuing R&D and ensuring the future of the EURISOL project.
The aim of the EURISOL topical meetings is to discuss the various facets of contemporary nuclear physics relevant for the design and planning of the future Eurisol facility. The Lisbon Topical Meeting is the third in the series after those held in Catania and Valencia devoted to “The formation and structure of r-process nuclei, between N= 50 and 82” , and “Neutron deficient exotic nuclei and the Physics of the “proton rich side” of the nuclear chart”, , respectively.
The Topical Meeting will take place from Monday Oct. 15 at 14:00 to Wednesday October 17 at 12:30. It will focus on the following subjects relevant for light exotic nuclei (up to Nickel):
Halo and dripline nuclei
Shell structure
Reaction mechanisms
Theoretical developments: Ab initio model, Cluster models, Molecular dynamics, Green function techniques, Shell Model, Reaction theory.
Nuclear astrophysics
Experimental developments and future instrumentation

The Town Meeting will take place from Wednesday Oct. 17 at 14:00 to Thursday October 18 at 18:00. It will review the progress of EURISOL related initiatives since the end of the Design Study and provide a forum to discuss the path towards the realization of the facility. Topics will include:

Updating the Physics and instrumentation case for EURISOL
Targets and Ion sources
Beam manipulation
Safety issues
Synergies with other facilities
Next steps towards EURISOL
Venue: The Town Meeting will be held in the auditorium of the IST-Lisbon. Invited presentations will take place during the two meetings. Oral contributions will be accepted for the Topical Meeting while during the Town Meeting a poster session, together with refreshments will be held. All registered participants will be invited to a conference dinner on Wednesday evening.
Registration: Please register on-line via the Meeting Web page: . The meeting is supported by EURISOL-NET. There is no registration fee and all coffee breaks and the conference dinner are offered.

20th July 2012
15th September 2012

Call for Abstracts: Abstracts are invited on subjects of relevance to Topical Meeting (physics of light exotic nuclei) and of the Town Meeting (Physics and Instrumentation for EURISOL, Targets and Ion sources, Accelerators, Beam manipulation, safety issues). All contributed presentations to the Town Meeting will be POSTERS. Oral contributions will be instead selected for the Topical Meeting. Abstracts should be submitted on-line where the registration is also possible at
Financial Support: Students or Post-docs who submit a contribution may apply for partial financial support, by ticking the relevant box on their registration forms. Support will consist of a per diem of 100 Euros per night in Lisbon, up to a maximum of 4 nights. The number of persons who can receive support will be limited by the available financial resources. Applicants will be informed of acceptance (or rejection) soon after the contributions will be selected (end of July).
Accommodation: A list of hotels in Lisbon is available at A number of rooms will be pre-booked at various hotels and attendees should then make their own hotel reservations. More information will be given in the second circular.
Contact information: Queries can be made by e-mail to the Meeting chair Prof. Lidia Ferreira at or to the Eurisol UEC chair Dr. Angela Bonaccorso .
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon.

Lidia Ferreira (Meeting chair) and the EURISOL User Executive Committee and Project Office.