Minutes of the UEC meeting, Leuven 31 May 2011

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Minutes of the UEC meeting, Leuven 31 May 2011, 13:30h-14:30h

Present: Dieter Ackermann, Bertram Blank, Yorick Blumenfeld (invited), Angela Bonaccorso, Lidia Ferreira, Hans Fymbo, Ari Jokinen, Berta Rubio (invited, on Skype), Marek Lewitowicz, Adam Maj (on Skype). Excused: P. Regan.

Berta sent a few transparencies resuming the Valencia meeting which are quickly revised: 2.5days, 71 participants, cost of the meeting : 6600 euro from Spain, covering social dinner, lunches, coffee breaks; rest of the money from ENSAR Geneva and individual local Eurisol money.
Participants: a very good number from Spain but also many other countries.
Contributions: all have been received but one.
Writing the report : draft promised before the summer. (We have it while I am writing 9/2/12). Summarize the Physics and presenting individual contributions. Lidia, Berta and Beltram to meet and discuss the draft of the report. Printing will be payed by the 1400 euro left to Berta. Important contribution of the Spanish community with their numerous participation and money from different sources. Once again congratulations and many thanks to Berta for her wonderful work.

Next meeting to organize will be a joint Town and Topical meeting in Lisbon chaired by Lidia. She does not know yet the amount of money she can get. She hopes to be able to cover the coffee breaks and perhaps the social dinner. The conference room does not need to be payed. Lunches at the cafeteria will cost 6 euro each. Hotels around 60 euro per day/person. She will be helped in the organization by people at the Technological Institute (colleagues and students).

Town meeting on technical parts (1.5 day)as in the DS, topical on Physics of Light Nuclei (2.5days). Both will constitute material for the deliverable (Town M.) and report (Topical M.).

There is a discussion on finances and how Lidia could get involved other people from theory groups in Coimbra for example or in general the few body community which is very strong in Portugal.

Then Adam Maj discusses the possibility of hosting the 2013 topical meeting in Cracow.
ECOS meetings and SuperHeavy will be held in Cracow and cloe to Frankfurt, respectively, but we do not think it would be good to mix it with Eurisol meeting.

Timing is discussed for the Town/Topical and the fall is decided to be the right time.

Orsay/Ganil would like to host the 2014 meetings in the renovated Amphitheater of IPN Orsay.

Again discussion on how Lidia can get money involving the Technical Institute etc.

Marek asks for “’someone” to guarantee on a minimum amount of money.

ADDENDUM: By exchange of Emails the format of the Lisbona meeting was decided in October 2011 and the following announce was sent on 19th October 2011 to the EURISOL-NET mailing list:

This is to announce that the next EURISOL week will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from Oct 15 to 19, 2012. It will consist in of a Topical Meeting on “Physics of Light Exotic Nuclei” from Monday 15/10 afternoon to Wednesday 17/10 morning followed by a Town Meeting from Wednesday noon until Thursday 18/10 late afternoon presenting an overview of the current scientific and technical activities related to EURISOL. The Friday morning will be devoted to various committee and project meetings.

Detailed information will be sent in due time but please already mark your calendar with these important dates.

 The EURISOL week is jointly organized by the EURISOL Project Office, The EURISOL-NET network (ENSAR activity) and the EURISOL User Group, and is chaired by Lidia Ferreira (U. of Lisbon).