EURISOL Town Meeting and Topical Meeting 2012
October 19, 2011 on 9:56 am | In Conferences, Eurisol user group news, Physics and Instrumentation, User Executive Committee, User Group | Comments Off on EURISOL Town Meeting and Topical Meeting 2012This is to announce that the next EURISOL week will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from Oct 15 to 19, 2012. It will consist in a Topical Meeting on “Physics of Light Exotic Nuclei” from Monday 15/10 afternoon to Wednesday 17/10 morning followed by a Town Meeting from Wednesday noon until Thursday 18/10 late afternoon presenting an overview of the current scientific and technical activities related to EURISOL. The Friday morning will be devoted to various committee and project meetings.
Detailed information will be sent in due time but please already mark your calendar with these important dates.
The EURISOL week is jointly organized by the EURISOL Project Office, The EURISOL-NET network (ENSAR activity) and the EURISOL User Group and is chaired by Lidia Ferreira (U. of Lisbon).