Minutes of the UEC meeting, Friday 10th December 2010, CERN, Geneva.
February 26, 2011 on 12:28 am | In User Executive Committee | Comments Off on Minutes of the UEC meeting, Friday 10th December 2010, CERN, Geneva.Minutes of the EURISOL UEC meeting Friday 10th December 2010, CERN, Geneva, ISOLDE visitors room n. 26-1-022, 14:00-16:00h.
Present: D. Ackermann, Y. Blumenfeld (invited), A. Bonaccorso, L. Ferreira, A. Jokinen (by phone), M. Lewitowicz, P. Regan, K. Riisager (on behalf of H. Fynbo), B. Rubio (invited). Excused: A. Maj, B. Blank.
Y. Blumenfeld: News on EURISOL.
• EURISOL DS financial report approved but new forms requested by EC to be filled, thus the final part of the EC budget will arrive only in some months.
EURISOL MoU will be sent around in the coming few months. ITN (Portugal) will join in a new collaboration. A copy will be sent also to the UEC members.
Collaboration coordination, including finances will be ensured at GANIL once the MoU is signed by at least 3 partners.
EURISOL-NET in ENSAR: Kadi will contact correspondents in the participating labs for technical issues. Print-out of the Minutes of Topical Workshops to be discussed once the MoU is signed.
• EURISOL initiatives:
ENSAR Network, there are five participants, CERN, INFN, GANIL, CNRS/IN2P3, Jyväskylä.
There are two tasks in the net:, 1st: Coordination and Development of ISOLDE facilities, task leader Yacine Kadi; 2nd : Physics & Instrumentation, leader A. Bonaccorso will update the Scientific Case, based on Users Group meetings.
• Discussion on MYRRHA and possible future link with EURISOL.
• TIARA WP9 Starting date probably February 1st, 2011, contains developments for EURISOL.
• NuPNET: 4 countries (F, B, I, SF) might contribute to EURISOL project -> Workshop to discuss the proposals will be organised in March 2011. NUPNET – a net of funding agencies in nuclear physics- will coordinate the funding. A pilot project will be selected and funded.
( Task pilot projects:
1st topic: R&D on new detector technologies in nuclear physics.
* Gamma and neutron detection technologies based on new scintillation materials and new photo-sensors (APDs, SiPMs…)
* Silicon and micropatterned gas tracking detectors (GEM, Micromegas): low and high energy applications
* Large-area diamond detectors for beam monitoring or timing.
These technologies are important for the nuclear research infrastructures selected in the ESFRI list: FAIR and SPIRAL2.
2nd topic: R&D on EURISOL technologies: accelerator components, targets and ion sources.
3rd topic: Targeted action on nuclear structure and reactions theory.
More details at http://www.nupnet-eu.org/wps/portal/nupnet-call.html. Projects will be submitted to NUPNET in February, however each country has to contribute in the funding. Money does not come from Brussels. Berta informs that Spain will not contribute to EURISOL. Ari thinks that the March meeting will be important to discuss these projects, and A. Bracco should be invited to explain the conditions. Belgians should also be invited in order to get more involved in EURISOL.
• Berta Rubio reports on the preparation of the next Topical meeting in Valencia.
• Approval of the Report on the Catania 2010 Topical Meeting and of a possible template to be used for future reports (IOP style). The graphical form of the Report can be made more appealing by adding the EURISOL logo and Web page address for example. The report was approved with various comments implemented.
• Printed reports should be made for each meeting. The report of the Catania meeting, will be distributed during the Valencia meeting. A new EURISOL report should be completed in a few months.
• Possible amendment to the Charter:
A sentence indicating that the chair and vice-chair can be renewed only once will be added.
• Election of the new chair and vice-chair of the UEC:
Angela and Ari are re-elected unanimously.
• Choice of the date and place of the next meeting:
Monday Feb. 21st is proposed at dinnet time. The date should be confirmed by the UEC members in the coming few weeks.