Minutes of the UEC Meeting, LNS, Catania, 10-Dec-2009
January 25, 2010 on 12:50 pm | In User Executive Committee, User Group | 1 CommentPresent: Angela Bonaccorso, Yorick Blumenfeld (invited), Giacomo de Angelis, Ari Jokinen, Berta Rubio; Dieter Ackermann, Bertram Blank and Marek Lewitowicz via SKYPE connection.
1. Apologies: Michael Thoennessen, Robert Page.
2. Approval of the minutes of the previous UEC Meeting:
The minutes have been approved without changes. Thanks to Dieter Ackermann.
3. New election next spring:
According to the rules defined in the UEC Charter there is the need to replace 4 members of the UEC before the end of 2010 (two years after the first election). Different election mechanisms are discussed: B. Rubio and A. Jokinen propose to go for new elections only for the four candidates elected with the smallest number of votes in the previous election. A. Bonaccorso and G. de Angelis prefer to go to new elections for all members of the UEC. M. Lewitowicz proposes to held new elections with two separate lists, one including the present members and another with new comers suggested by the community. This proposal seems reasonable and after further discussion is accepted.
Action: A. Bonaccorso will send a request to the community before the end of the spring to propose new names for replacing four members.
4. Next topical meeting:
The UEC congratulates the organisers of the EURISOL topical meeting for the success of the initiative. Thanks to the hosting laboratory (LNS) for the support.
Proposed topics for the next topical meeting:
Physics with secondary fragmentation (Y. Blumenfeld).
Neutron deficient nuclei (A. Jokinen, G. de Angelis, B. Rubio).
Light nuclei (A. Bonaccorso).
As possible sites East Countries (green field), Spain or Finland are proposed.
In case the topic “Neutron deficient nuclei” would be preferred it is considered that overlap with the next Procon conference scheduled in 2010 must be avoided.
Action: B. Rubio and A. Jokinen will investigate the possibility of hosting the meeting and providing funds. The topic could (slightly) be modified according also to the suggestion of the hosting institution.
5. NuPECC LRP: Y. Blumenfeld has presented the Eurisol physics case to the previous meeting of the NuPECC LRP. The Draft of the LRP will be presented to the community in March 2010 and discussed in the town meeting organized in Madrid in May 2010. There is the need for upgrading the physics case and for linking it to the NuPECC LRP (G. de Angelis).
Action: A. Bonaccorso will lead upgrades of the EURISOL proposals and look for links with the NuPECC LRP. It is also decided to have the next UEC meeting during the LRP town meeting in Madrid.
6. EURISL Office: The Eurisol office has been instituted and it is composed of the following members: M. Lewitowicz, A. Facco, Y. Blumenfeld, P. Butler.
7. Other Issues: None