Protected: Long Minutes of the UEC meeting April 2nd 2009, Pisa
May 24, 2009 on 5:41 pm | In User Executive Committee | Enter your password to view comments.Minutes of the UEC meeting April 2nd 2009, Pisa
May 12, 2009 on 1:36 pm | In Eurisol user group news | 1 CommentAgenda
1. Discussion on the Conclusions of the Town Meeting,
2. Future of the EURISOL User Group,
3. Next UG workshop,
4. Update of the Appendix on Physics with EURISOL.
Dieter Ackermann, Angela Bonaccorso, Giacomo de Angelis, Ari Jokinen, Marek Lewitowicz, Robert Page, Berta Rubio.
1. & 2. Discussion on the Conclusions of the Town Meeting and Future of the EURISOL User Group.
The main subject of discussion was how to proceed after the end of EURISOL DS (June 2009).
The present MB will try to establish a EURISOL collaboration. We wish to participate into the writing of the MoU among the national institutions which should support the collaboration. EC funds, if any, will not be available till 2011. NuPNET could provide some support. Also the possibility of contributing as UG to the next LRP of NuPECC will help the EURISOL project to proceed in the near future. In any case our design studies, prototyping and development carried out during the various phases of the EURISOL preparation have been and will be useful for the realization of intermediate facilities such as SPIRAL2, SPES, HIE-ISOLDE.
EURISOL site discussion
In view of the incertitude on the future of the project and in particular on the choice of the site, the possibility of EURISOL being a collaboration of intermediate facilities is considered together with a single site solution.
The UEC gives a very warm welcome to the EURISOL network as a collaboration of intermediate facilities and other interested parties as preparation for the ultimate EURISOL facility.
3. Next UG workshop
There are a number of possibilities for a EURISOL User Group Workshop during the Spring of 2010:
b) together with EURORIB, June 6th – 10th, 2010,
c) at the LNS, Catania,
d) together with the NuPECC Town meeting related to the Long Range Plan in spring 2010.
Also a topical meeting could be held together with the combined EURISOL collaboration and UEC meeting (Autumn-Winter 2009). Witek Nazarewicz has proposed as a possible topic:
“The formation and structure of r-process nuclei, between N=50 and 82 (including 78Ni and 132Sn areas)”.
4. Updating of the Appendix on Physics with EURISOL.
We will ask people to be involved in the update of the physics case, which then can be organized in groups regarding specific items which also chose a spokesperson. This will be advertisedvia the newsletter. A word template should be put on the web, so that everybody could come up with new proposals – we will act as the editorial board and distribute the material.
In this process we will encourage a larger participation by the theoretician’s community. Also the document produced by the FORUM for the Future in the GANIL 2015 process can be used as an example for the collaboration between theoreticians and experimental physicists.
Thanks to Dieter Ackermann for taking these minutes