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Minutes of the second EURISOL UEC meeting. CERN, Geneva, 17 November 2008.

December 4, 2008 on 4:56 pm | In User Group | Comments Off on Minutes of the second EURISOL UEC meeting. CERN, Geneva, 17 November 2008.

Angela Bonaccorso , Ari Jokinen, Yorick Blumenfeld (only at the beginning), Marek Lewitowicz, Dieter Ackermann, Berta Rubio, Michael Thoennessen, Robert Page (on the telephone), Giacomo de Angelis.

1) Preparation of a Newsletter.
2) Speakers for the Pisa town meeting.
3) Updating of the appendix to the Eurisol Physics case.
4) Translation of the Eurisol brochure and its dissemination. 
5) Date and place of the next executive committee & Users meeting.
6) Any other business.

Town meeting (Part I)
The meeting starts with the discussion about the speakers for the town meeting with Yorick. He explains that the plan is to have three talks on the “European intermediate generation facilities” SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE and SPES but that there is no room for talks on current facilities (such as ISOLDE) or for facilities outside Europe. It is important to suggest speakers for the physics talks. We, the members of the committee, will suggest names, but the final decision will be taken by the management board and Angela.

The newsletter should appear two or three times per year. Amongst suggestions for the first issue it was thought that one should inform the community about the formation of the executive committee. Information about the town meeting should also be there. It should probably begin with an introduction about where we are and for how long we will enjoy EU support. One should also go through the Eurisol tasks and see if there is something which should be reported. During next week there will be a meeting in Rome of the task leaders, Robert Page will be there and he will report back to Angela. The first issue of the newsletter should come out before the end of the year.

Eurisol Physics Case
The last report was in 2002. It is time to revise it. One might either amend the previous report or add an appendix. The aim is to have it ready for the town meeting in Pisa. (Robert Page). A report of about 40 pages is being produced as a result of the Design Study, one should not duplicate efforts. This report should also be ready before the Town Meeting. Robert Page will try to send a draft around in February and we, the executive committee, should work hard in March to be ready for the Pisa meeting.

There followed a discussion about the interest of IFIC in neutrino beams which seems to have cooled down. B. Rubio will ask Gómez Cadenas about the current situation.

Eurisol Brochure
It would be very useful to have it translated into several languages. Some of this work has already been done. Thus
Dieter Ackermann has translated it into German,
Maria Borge to Spanish and
Angela Bonaccorso to Italian.
Mats Lindroos could translate it to Swedish,
Ari Jokinen to Finnish,
Marek Lewitowicz to Polish and
Yorick Blumenfeld to French

Angela will ask Lidia Ferreira to translate it into Portuguese and Giacomo will ask Tecchio for the translation to Russian

A discussion followed on the production of the translated document and its dissemination. Is there money available from the Design Study to publish it? This should be discussed with Yorick. There may be some money available in Italy because some of the meetings took place there and some money was saved. It would be desirable to have this work done before the end of the Design Study in June 2009.

Some criticism of the brochure emerged. Dieter thinks that the Super Heavies (SH) are very much out of reach of Eurisol. He points out that the definition of SH is Z higher than 104. Robert argues that one could produce nuclei with Z=104 or 105 and clarify the Dubna results. Everybody agrees that this will be important.

It is important to think about the distribution of the brochure. Some labs have their open days, GSI have Saturday activities. The Art Exhibition, if it takes place, provides another possible opportunity. Another possibility is through our national physical societies but this will only work in some countries)

Town Meeting (Part II)

A discussion about the speakers for the Town Meeting followed. Some considerations which should be taken into account are a) one should be careful about overlaps with the task talks, b) there will be a speaker on high energy beta beams from the corresponding task so we should concentrate on low energy beta beams and c) one should try to include more women.

After some discussion we arrived at list of speakers which has been proposed to the MB.

Angela then summarised the general overview of the meeting.

The meeting will take place in Pisa 30th of March to 2nd of April. The meeting with the users will be on Monday before Dinner (John Cornell will try to arrange the program such as to finish the afternoon session on Monday a little earlier), and the Executive Committee meeting will be on the 2nd at lunch time, (Sandwich lunch) at the tentative time of 12.30 to 14.00

There being no other business the meeting ended.

Thanks to Berta Rubio for taking the minutes.