Minutes of the first EURISOL UEC meeting. Giens, 9 June 2008.

July 7, 2008 on 2:28 pm | In User Executive Committee | 1 Comment

On Monday 9 June 2008, at 21:30h, the following members of the UEC, meet at Giens, France, during the Eurorib08 Conference.

Dieter Ackermann (Germany),
Bertram Blank (France),
Giacomo De Angelis (Italy),
Ari Jokinen (Finland),
Marek Lewitowicz (France),
Berta Rubio (Spain),
Angela Bonaccorso (Italy).

Robert Page (UK), Michael Thoennessen (USA) were justified absents.
Yorick Blumenfeld and Peter Butler were also present on behalf of the EURISOL DS management board.

The meeting started with Yorick Blumenfeld, chairman of the EURISOL DS project, who presented the initiatives already taken or to be taken to continue after the end of EURISOL DS (June 2009).

i) Participation to the ENSAR proposal as EUR-ISOL network: now on waiting list forfunding, possibly necessary to resubmit for second call.

ii) Institution of an EURISOL Collaboration, following the CERN scheme or the EPS schemes (Marek and Berta to check the possibilities within EPS). This callaboration has received the support of NuPECC (new info since the meeting).

iii) Contacts to be made with NupNet to explore possible support.

In all cases the three European laboratories which are proposed sites for EURISOL (CERN, GANIL,INFN-LNL) must start some form of collaboration. It will be important to keep a web page (responsibility of one of the labs?). A number of technical R&D
tasks to be completed (e.g. test of the liquid mercury converter).

At 10:15h Y. Blumenfeld and P. Butler leave the meeting.

Angela Bonaccorso resigns from chair of the UG. A new chair (A. Bonaccorso) and vice-chair (A. Jokinen) are elected, according to the Temporary Charter, both with six votes and one abstention.

It is decided that minutes of UEC meetings will be written in turn by the members starting with A.B.
The meeting concentrates then on the analysis and improvement of the Temporary Charted. The final draft is enclosed.

It is decided that it will be presented at the EURISOL UG open meeting to be held on the evening of June 12th at Giens, then it will be posted on the EURISOL UG web page, for approval and/or amendments from the community, till 27th July.
It will then become effective. Should amendments be proposed the members of the UEC will consult each other and decide by Email.

Next UEC to be held in the autumn 2008 either in Pisa during the Unbound Nuclei workshop (3-5)Nov. or at CERN during the Isolde workshop (17-19) Nov.

Meeting closes at 23:30h.