Opening of the UEC Elections

March 20, 2008 on 12:41 pm | In User Group | Comments Off on Opening of the UEC Elections

At the recent Florence meeting it was decided to write a temporary charter and to proceed with the election of a User Group Executive Committee. The committee will have nine members. As interim chairperson Angela Bonaccorso is automatically member.
We are now proceeding to the election of a User Group Executive Committee. The following colleagues have agreed to be candidates to serve on the executive committee:

1. Dieter Ackermann (Germany)
2. Nicolas Alamanos (France)
3. Jose Benlliure (Spain)
4. Bertram Blank (France)
5. Catalin Borcea (Rumania)
6. María José Gª Borge (Spain)
7. Giuseppe Cardella (Italy)
8. Giacomo De Angelis (Italy)
9. Alessia Di Pietro (Italy)
10. Lidia Ferreira (Portugal)
11. Hans Fynbo (Denmark)
12. Serge Franchoo (France)
13. Juergen Gerl (Germany)
14. Joaquin Gomez Camacho (Spain)
15. Michael Hass (Israel)
16. Zenon Janas (Poland)
17. Ari Jokinen (Finland)
18. Andrea Jungclaus (Spain)
19. Klaus Jungmann (Holland)
20. Marek Lewitowicz (France)
21. Jerry Nolen (USA)
22. Robert Page (UK)
23. Sara Pirrone (Italy)
24. Marek Ploszajczak (France)
25. Giovanni Raciti (Italy)
26. Berta Rubio (Spain)
27. Michael Thoennessen (USA)

You are invited to vote for eight candidates among the 27 proposed. Note that according to the temporary charter, in order to ensure a balanced representation, for each country not more than two members will be elected. Those of you registered with the User Groupou have received an E-mail, at the bottom of which you will find an individual link. Please click on it or, if your mailing system does not allow you to open links automatically, open a browser and do a cut and paste of the link. You will then be asked to write your name and surname and to make eight choices. If you chose the same candidate more than once the system will automatically count it as just one vote. After registering your vote the system will not allow you to enter the vote site again, therefore please check your selection carefully before sending off your vote. Voting has been open on April 7th and it will be closed on Friday, April 18 at 17:00 CET.

The vote will go to a file which will be checked by the electoral commission composed of the Webmaster (Domenico Lazzarato), the Project Leader of the EURISOL DS (Yorick Blumenfeld), the Chairman of the EURISOL DS Steering Committee (Juha Aysto) and the Coordinator of the User Group (Angela Bonaccorso). They will make independent counting and then a cross check of the vote. After that the “electoral commission” will publish the results on the Eurisol UG web page and you will be informed by e-mail.

Please bring this information to the attention of your colleagues who may be interested in EURISOL but are not yet members of the User Group. If they wish to participate in the vote they must first register to the User Group at