Comments on the first Eurisol UG workshop
January 23, 2008 on 4:23 pm | In User Group | Comments Off on Comments on the first Eurisol UG workshopThe first Eurisol UG workshop was held at the GGI, Florence, 14-18 Jan 2008.
Almost all talks given are already online at where also the participant list can be found. There were about 65 participants (about 1/3 were ladies) and 33 talks were given (1/4 by ladies). Two half sessions were devoted to the organization of the User Group and the Design and machine characteristics in the light of the User Requirements, the last one coordinated by Nigel Orr (LPC, Caen). As far as the User group is concerned we are preparing a charter along the lines presented at the workshop by Yorick Blumenfeld (IPN,Orsay)
Discussion on the organisation of the user group and the future of EURISOL beyond the present Design Study and by Angela Bonaccorso (INFN, Pisa) at the Helsinki meeting We shall then proceed to the definition of an Executive Board elected by the community. The present suggestion is to have 8+1 members with the chair designated by the members. We propose to renew two members every second year. Please post your comments on the Forum page and start proposing candidatures for the Executive Board.