Publications: Internal Task note
TASK 8 -
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
D4 - Half Wave Resonators developments
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
Author(s) :A. Facco, F. Scarpa, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, (Italy).
This document reports on the development of the half wave resonators and its associated cold tuning system
This document reports on the development of the half wave resonators and its associated cold tuning system
08-25-2009-0013 ( 1038KB )
TASK 8 -
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
D3 - Spoke cavity developments
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
Author(s) :S. Bousson, , G. Olry, JL Biarrotte, P. Duthil, C. Joly, N. Gandolfo, J. Lesrel, L. Lukovac, A. Ponton, E. Rampnoux, H. Saugnac, CNRS/IN2P3/IPN Orsay (France).
This documents reports on the development of spoke cavities, along with the coupler and cold tuning system.
This documents reports on the development of spoke cavities, along with the coupler and cold tuning system.
08-25-2009-0012 ( 4789KB )
TASK 8 -
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
D2 - RF source Developments
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
Author(s) :A. Facco, F. Scarpa, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, (Italy).
E. Rampnoux, C. Joly, J. Lesrel, S. Bousson, CNRS/IN2P3/IPN Orsay (France).
This document reports on the 352 MHz solid state RF sources developments
This document reports on the 352 MHz solid state RF sources developments
08-25-2009-0011 ( 1112KB )
TASK 8 -
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
D1 - Spoke cryostat design and fabrication
08/10/2009 -Task : TASK 8
Author(s) :S. Bousson, G. Olry, F. Chatelet, P. Duthil, D. Grolet, F. Lutton, R. Martret, G. Michel, H. Saugnac, P. Szott
This document reports on the design and fabrication of the spoke cryostat.
This document reports on the design and fabrication of the spoke cryostat.
08-25-2009-0010 ( 3144KB )
TASK 12 -
07/10/2009 -Task : TASK 12
Conceptual Design Report for a Beta-Beam Facility
07/10/2009 -Task : TASK 12
Author(s) :A. Bechtold, M. Benedikt, F. Borgnolutti, E. Bouquerel, L. Bozyk, A. Chancé, P. Delahaye, A. Fabich, S. Hancock, C. Hansen, E. Jensen, A. Kaellberg, M. Kirk, A. Lachaize, M. Lindroos, M. Magistris, A. Mueller, J. Payet, P. Puppel, P. Spiller, A. Tkatchenko, S. Trovati, V. Vlachoudis
The Beta-Beam project is a concept of large scale facility that aims at providing pure electronic neutrino and antrineutrino beams for the measurement of nu_e --> nu_µ oscillations, offering unprecedented sensitivity for detection of the Theta_13 mixing angle and CP violating phase. In the scenario presented in different publications [1-3], a Beta-Beam facility could be advantageously placed at CERN making use of the PS and SPS for accelerating the beta-decaying, neutrino-emitting beams to a Lorentz gamma of 100. Intense beams of 6He and 18Ne would be produced using the so-called “isotope-separation on line” ISOL method in a facility of the scale of EURISOL. The synergy between the two projects was pointed out in [4]. The task 12 of the EURISOL design study aimed at producing a conceptual design report for the accelerator chain of a EURISOL/CERN-baseline Beta-Beam facility. This document summarizes the achievements made during the time of the study and constitutes the final conceptual report of the beta-beam facility. References [1] B. Autin, M. Benedikt, M. Grieser, S. Hancock, H. Haseroth, A. Jansson, U. Köster, M. Lindroos, S. Russenschuck and F. Wenander, "The acceleration and storage of radioactive ions for a neutrino factory", CERN/PS 2002-078 (OP), Nufact Note 121, J. Phys. G 29 (2003) 1785-1796 and long internal CERN version, PS/OP/Note 2002-181. [2] M.Mezzetto, "Physics reach of the beta-beam", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29 (2003) 1771–1776 [3] J. Bouchez, M. Lindroos and M. Mezzetto, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams; NuFact 03. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 721, pp. 37-47 (2004). [4] Letter of Intent: FP6 Design Study for a beta-beam facility , September, 2003
The Beta-Beam project is a concept of large scale facility that aims at providing pure electronic neutrino and antrineutrino beams for the measurement of nu_e --> nu_µ oscillations, offering unprecedented sensitivity for detection of the Theta_13 mixing angle and CP violating phase. In the scenario presented in different publications [1-3], a Beta-Beam facility could be advantageously placed at CERN making use of the PS and SPS for accelerating the beta-decaying, neutrino-emitting beams to a Lorentz gamma of 100. Intense beams of 6He and 18Ne would be produced using the so-called “isotope-separation on line” ISOL method in a facility of the scale of EURISOL. The synergy between the two projects was pointed out in [4]. The task 12 of the EURISOL design study aimed at producing a conceptual design report for the accelerator chain of a EURISOL/CERN-baseline Beta-Beam facility. This document summarizes the achievements made during the time of the study and constitutes the final conceptual report of the beta-beam facility. References [1] B. Autin, M. Benedikt, M. Grieser, S. Hancock, H. Haseroth, A. Jansson, U. Köster, M. Lindroos, S. Russenschuck and F. Wenander, "The acceleration and storage of radioactive ions for a neutrino factory", CERN/PS 2002-078 (OP), Nufact Note 121, J. Phys. G 29 (2003) 1785-1796 and long internal CERN version, PS/OP/Note 2002-181. [2] M.Mezzetto, "Physics reach of the beta-beam", J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29 (2003) 1771–1776 [3] J. Bouchez, M. Lindroos and M. Mezzetto, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams; NuFact 03. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 721, pp. 37-47 (2004). [4] Letter of Intent: FP6 Design Study for a beta-beam facility , September, 2003
12-25-2009-0020 ( 1104KB )
TASK 3 -
05/10/2009 -Task : TASK 3
D5-Comparison of targets
05/10/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :T. Stora, P. Bricault, L. Bruno, S. Fernandes, F. Gröschel, I. Günther, J. Lettry, M. Loiselet, E. Noah, E. Platacis, L. Zanini
This reports provides the highlights of Task#3
This reports provides the highlights of Task#3
03-25-2009-0017 ( 667KB )
TASK 4 -
21/09/2009 -Task : TASK 4
Design of 1+ Ion Source Coupling First Design of the Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source For the Multi-Mega Watt Target Station
21/09/2009 -Task : TASK 4
Author(s) :A. Olivier-Kaiser, F. Le Blanc, C. Lau
The realisation of next-generation ion sources suitable for the EURISOL multi-mega-watt (MMW) target station needs exhaustive studies and developments. An exhaustive review was carried out to evaluate the capability of the ion-sources to operate under the irradiation conditions of the MMW target station. In addition, selectivity must be taken into account to avoid the spread of unwanted radioactivity out of the target-ion-source system (TIS). These studies led to consider RILIS (Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source) as the reference ion source for this target station.
The realisation of next-generation ion sources suitable for the EURISOL multi-mega-watt (MMW) target station needs exhaustive studies and developments. An exhaustive review was carried out to evaluate the capability of the ion-sources to operate under the irradiation conditions of the MMW target station. In addition, selectivity must be taken into account to avoid the spread of unwanted radioactivity out of the target-ion-source system (TIS). These studies led to consider RILIS (Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source) as the reference ion source for this target station.
04-25-2009-0017 ( 476KB )
TASK 6 -
17/09/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Final report on Task6 activities- Deliverable D6
17/09/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :MH Moscatello and all task6 participants
This report presents the Task6 activities performed during the EURISOL DS period. It corresponds to Deliverable D6
This report presents the Task6 activities performed during the EURISOL DS period. It corresponds to Deliverable D6
06-25-2009-0024 ( 6761KB )
TASK 7 -
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
EURISOL Design Study CD Report
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco
Final report of the Task 7 work - Public format for CD edition
Final report of the Task 7 work - Public format for CD edition
07-25-2009-0021 ( 19175KB )
TASK 7 -
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
EURISOL Design Study Scientific Report
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A.Facco
Final report of the Task 7 work - Scientific format.
Final report of the Task 7 work - Scientific format.
07-25-2009-0020 ( 9817KB )
Publications from 11 to 20 of 275