Publications: Conference
28/07/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, A. Balabin, R. Paparella, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy; D. Berkovits, J. Rodnizki, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel; J. L. Biarrotte, S. Bousson, A. Ponton, IPN Orsay, France; R. Duperrier, D. Uriot, CEA/Saclay, France; V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
A 1 GeV, 5 mA cw superconducting proton/H- linac, with the capability of supplying cw primary beam to up to four targets simultaneously by means of a new beam splitting scheme, is under study in the framework of the EURISOL DS project which aims to produce an engineering-oriented design of a next generation European Radioactive beam facility. The EURISOL driver accelerator would be able to accelerate also a 100 μA, 3He beam up to 2.2 GeV, and a 5 mA deuteron beam up to 264 MeV. The linac characteristics and the status of the beam dynamics studies will be presented.
A 1 GeV, 5 mA cw superconducting proton/H- linac, with the capability of supplying cw primary beam to up to four targets simultaneously by means of a new beam splitting scheme, is under study in the framework of the EURISOL DS project which aims to produce an engineering-oriented design of a next generation European Radioactive beam facility. The EURISOL driver accelerator would be able to accelerate also a 100 μA, 3He beam up to 2.2 GeV, and a 5 mA deuteron beam up to 264 MeV. The linac characteristics and the status of the beam dynamics studies will be presented.
07-22-2009-0067 ( 309KB )
HPSL 2005
27/10/2005 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. FACCO
Presentation of the EURISOL DS Program
Presentation of the EURISOL DS Program
07-23-2006-0004 (2686KB )
07-22-2005-0001 ( 25KB )
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