Publications: Conference
EURISOL Design Study : Towards an Ultimate ISOL Facility for Europe
25/05/2009 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld on behalf of the EURISOL Design Study
Abstract of invited talk at Franco-Japanese Symposium: New Paradigms in Nuclear Physics. Paris, France, Sept.29 - Oct.2, 2008
Abstract of invited talk at Franco-Japanese Symposium: New Paradigms in Nuclear Physics. Paris, France, Sept.29 - Oct.2, 2008
01-23-2009-0021 (288KB )
01-22-2008-0052 ( 98KB )
Developments at ISOL facilities: from ISOLDE towards EURISOL
25/05/2009 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld
Invited talk at International ymposium on Exotic Nuclei, EXON 2009, Sochi, Russia, Sept 28-Oct 2, 2009
Invited talk at International ymposium on Exotic Nuclei, EXON 2009, Sochi, Russia, Sept 28-Oct 2, 2009
01-22-2009-0064 ( 105KB )
Towards new Generation ISOL Facilities: HIE-ISOLDE and EURISOL
03/10/2008 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld
CERN, PH-ISOLDE, Geneva, Switzerland
Invited talk at SARAF workshop, October 27-29, 2008, Maale Hachamisha (Jerusalem), Israel
Invited talk at SARAF workshop, October 27-29, 2008, Maale Hachamisha (Jerusalem), Israel
01-22-2008-0053 ( 77KB )
Review of Accelerators for Radioactive Beams
13/06/2008 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld
Invited talk at EPAC08, Genoa, Italy June 23-27, 2008
Invited talk at EPAC08, Genoa, Italy June 23-27, 2008
01-22-2008-0049 ( 2151KB )
EURISOL - exploring the limits of the ISOL technology (and stability of nuclear matter)
22/04/2008 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Mats Lindroos (CERN) and the EURISOL DS consortium
Abstract for EURORIB08
Abstract for EURORIB08
01-22-2008-0047 ( 127KB )
Radioactive Beam Facilities in Europe: Status and Plans
09/11/2007 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Yorick Blumenfeld
Abstract of invited talk at EMIS 2007 Conference Deauville, France, June 25-29, 2007
Abstract of invited talk at EMIS 2007 Conference Deauville, France, June 25-29, 2007
01-23-2007-0015 (3057KB )
01-22-2007-0035 ( 25KB )
EURISOL Design Study: Towards an Ultimate ISOL Facility for EUROPE
22/01/2007 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld, P. Butler, J. Cornell, G. Fortuna, and M. Lindroos on behalf of the EURISOL Design Study
Abstract submitted to INPC 2007, Tokyo, Japan, June 3-8, 2007
Abstract submitted to INPC 2007, Tokyo, Japan, June 3-8, 2007
01-22-2007-0023 ( 40KB )
The EURISOL project
15/01/2007 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Mats Lindroos
Poster for PSI workshop, 18-19 January 2007
Poster for PSI workshop, 18-19 January 2007
01-22-2007-0022 ( 26KB )
Nuclear Physics: The EURISOL Project
14/11/2006 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :Y. Blumenfeld on behalf of the EURISOL Design Study
Abstract for invited talk at Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI, Tours, France, Sept 5-8 2006
Abstract for invited talk at Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI, Tours, France, Sept 5-8 2006
01-23-2006-0010 (355KB )
01-22-2006-0018 ( 22KB )
The first steps to EURISOL
08/11/2006 -Task : TASK 1
Author(s) :P. A. Butler
Zakopane 2006 Conference on Nuclear Physics
Zakopane 2006 Conference on Nuclear Physics
Publications from 1 to 10 of 11
Total Abstracts published: 70 - Total Proceedings published: 26