Publications: Internal Task note
D5-Comparison of targets
05/10/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :T. Stora, P. Bricault, L. Bruno, S. Fernandes, F. Gröschel, I. Günther, J. Lettry, M. Loiselet, E. Noah, E. Platacis, L. Zanini
This reports provides the highlights of Task#3
This reports provides the highlights of Task#3

Final report on oxide target prototype - Deliverable D3
14/07/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :S. Fernandes, E. Bouquerel, L. Bruno, R. Catherall, T. Giles, P. Kasprowicz, J. Lettry, S. Marzari, E. Noah, T. Stora, P. Bricault, M. Dombsky, F. Ames
Final report on the high power oxide prototype tests done at TRIUMF
Final report on the high power oxide prototype tests done at TRIUMF

Final Report on TARPIPE- Deliverable D2
14/07/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :E. Noah, E. Bouquerel, V. Boutellier, R. Bruetsch, R. Catherall, S. Fernandes, I. Guenther-Leopold, F. Groeschel, A. Kalt, J. Lettry, E. Manfrin, S. Marzari, T. Stora, W. Wagner, R. Wilfinger, L. Zanini
Report on the prototype target irradiation done at PSI - TARPIPE
Report on the prototype target irradiation done at PSI - TARPIPE

oxide target tests final report
24/06/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :T. Stora et al., CERN
P. Bricault et al., TRIUMF
Final report on online tests of high power oxide target prototype done at TRIUMF
Final report on online tests of high power oxide target prototype done at TRIUMF

TARPIPE Final report
24/06/2009 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :E. Noah et al. CERN
I. Gunter et al., PSI
Deliverable D3
Deliverable D3

Considerations on the proton beam shape for Refractory Metal Foil Targets
11/04/2008 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :R. Wilfinger, L .Bruno
Document illustrating different proton beam steering characteristics onto the refractory foil target
Document illustrating different proton beam steering characteristics onto the refractory foil target

picture of SiC334 target unit
11/03/2008 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :Task#3 members
SiC334 target and ion source unit after online tests and cooldown time
SiC334 target and ion source unit after online tests and cooldown time
03-25-2008-0011 ( 732KB )
Diffusion studies in prospective polycrystalline silicon carbide target materials for radioactive ion beam production at CERN-ISOLDE
10/03/2008 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :S. Fernandes, R. Catherall, G. Izquierdo, J. Lettry, M. Menna, S. Sgobba, T. Stora
Diffusion studies in prospective SiC targets. Selection and first online operation of a sub-micrometric ISOL material.
Diffusion studies in prospective SiC targets. Selection and first online operation of a sub-micrometric ISOL material.

picture of the bivalve prototype
07/03/2008 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :Task3 members
Picture of the bivalve prototype
Picture of the bivalve prototype
03-25-2008-0008 ( 2670KB )
Design and test of a two-body target unit for 100kW solid targets
07/03/2008 -Task : TASK 3
Author(s) :E. Bouquerel, R. Catherall, J. Lettry, S. Marzari, E. Noah, L. Penescu, T. Stora, R. Wilfinger and the ISOLDE collaboration
Design and online tests at CERN-ISOLDE of a "bivalve" target unit with two CaO containers with merging lines an remotely actuated valves into a single MK7 cold FEBIAD ion source. Details on the development of the unit and online results are provided.
Design and online tests at CERN-ISOLDE of a "bivalve" target unit with two CaO containers with merging lines an remotely actuated valves into a single MK7 cold FEBIAD ion source. Details on the development of the unit and online results are provided.

Publications from 1 to 10 of 17