Publications: Internal Task note
EURISOL Design Study CD Report
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco
Final report of the Task 7 work - Public format for CD edition
Final report of the Task 7 work - Public format for CD edition
07-25-2009-0021 ( 19175KB )
EURISOL Design Study Scientific Report
08/09/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A.Facco
Final report of the Task 7 work - Scientific format.
Final report of the Task 7 work - Scientific format.
07-25-2009-0020 ( 9817KB )
31/08/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A.Facco, F. Scarpa, D. Zenere, INFN/LNL Legnaro, Padova, Italy
R. Losito, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
Contribution to EPAC 2006 about EURISOL Half-wave resonators
Contribution to EPAC 2006 about EURISOL Half-wave resonators
07-25-2009-0019 ( 303KB )
Deliverable D3 - Low- and Medium-beta linac
24/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, A. Balabin, R. Paparella, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy; D. Berkovits, J. Rodnizki, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel; J. L. Biarrotte, S. Bousson, A. Ponton, G. Olry, IPN Orsay, France; R. Duperrier, D. Uriot, CEA/Saclay, France; V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada.
The present document describes the Low- and Medium-beta section of the EURISOL DS Driver Accelerator. This section consists of a superconducting linac, based on Half-Wave (HWR) and SPOKE type resonators, preceded by a short, normal-conducting MEBT (Medium Energy Beam Transport) section that performs input beam matching. The scope of this linac is to bring the beams of H-, D+ and 3He++ produced by the Ion Injector (Deliverable D-5) to the energy and beam parameters required for injection in the superconducting High-beta linac (Deliverable D4-High beta linac). The present beam dynamics design reaches the goal of accelerating the required high current beams to the design energy (about 100 MeV/A, depending on the ion species), with minimum emittance growth and with low losses, using realistic and cost-effective, although innovative, technological solutions. The Low- and Medium-beta linac layout is described, together with the fundamental parameters and characteristics of its components and the system performance.
The present document describes the Low- and Medium-beta section of the EURISOL DS Driver Accelerator. This section consists of a superconducting linac, based on Half-Wave (HWR) and SPOKE type resonators, preceded by a short, normal-conducting MEBT (Medium Energy Beam Transport) section that performs input beam matching. The scope of this linac is to bring the beams of H-, D+ and 3He++ produced by the Ion Injector (Deliverable D-5) to the energy and beam parameters required for injection in the superconducting High-beta linac (Deliverable D4-High beta linac). The present beam dynamics design reaches the goal of accelerating the required high current beams to the design energy (about 100 MeV/A, depending on the ion species), with minimum emittance growth and with low losses, using realistic and cost-effective, although innovative, technological solutions. The Low- and Medium-beta linac layout is described, together with the fundamental parameters and characteristics of its components and the system performance.
07-25-2009-0018 ( 4484KB )
Deliverable D3
24/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, A. Balabin, Ma Yanyun, R. Paparella, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy; D. Berkovits, J. Rodnizki, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel; J. L. Biarrotte, S. Bousson, A. Ponton, G. Olry, IPN Orsay, France; R. Duperrier, D. Uriot, CEA/Saclay, France; V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada.
Task 7 Deliverable D3-Low and medium beta linac
Task 7 Deliverable D3-Low and medium beta linac
07-25-2009-0017 ( 5570KB )
Deliverable D3 - Low- and Medium-beta linac
22/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, A. Balabin, R. Paparella, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy; D. Berkovits, J. Rodnizki, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel; J. L. Biarrotte, S. Bousson, A. Ponton, G. Olry, IPN Orsay, France; R. Duperrier, D. Uriot, CEA/Saclay, France; V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada.
The present document describes the Low- and Medium-beta section of the EURISOL DS Driver Accelerator. This section consists of a superconducting linac, based on Half-Wave (HWR) and SPOKE type resonators, preceded by a short, normal-conducting MEBT (Medium Energy Beam Transport) section that performs input beam matching. The scope of this linac is to bring the beams of H-, D+ and 3He++ produced by the Ion Injector (Deliverable D-5) to the energy and beam parameters required for injection in the superconducting High-beta linac (Deliverable D4-High beta linac). The present beam dynamics design reaches the goal of accelerating the required high current beams to the design energy (about 100 MeV/A, depending on the ion species), with minimum emittance growth and with low losses, using realistic and cost-effective, although innovative, technological solutions. The Low- and Medium-beta linac layout is described, together with the fundamental parameters and characteristics of its components and the system performance.
The present document describes the Low- and Medium-beta section of the EURISOL DS Driver Accelerator. This section consists of a superconducting linac, based on Half-Wave (HWR) and SPOKE type resonators, preceded by a short, normal-conducting MEBT (Medium Energy Beam Transport) section that performs input beam matching. The scope of this linac is to bring the beams of H-, D+ and 3He++ produced by the Ion Injector (Deliverable D-5) to the energy and beam parameters required for injection in the superconducting High-beta linac (Deliverable D4-High beta linac). The present beam dynamics design reaches the goal of accelerating the required high current beams to the design energy (about 100 MeV/A, depending on the ion species), with minimum emittance growth and with low losses, using realistic and cost-effective, although innovative, technological solutions. The Low- and Medium-beta linac layout is described, together with the fundamental parameters and characteristics of its components and the system performance.
07-25-2009-0016 ( 4537KB )
Hands-on and beam loss criterion at SARAF SC linac
22/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :S. Halfon, D. Berkovits, Y. Eisen, A. Pernick and J. Rodnizki, SOREQ NRC, YAVNE, Israel
Beam loss criterion for beam dynamics simulation is derived from the dose rate level which will allow hands-on maintenance. In this short paper we define a new beam loss criterion for SARAF SC (Super Conducting) linac based on the hands-on maintenance criterion used successfully for maintenance of high energy high intensity proton linacs. According to the high intensity proton linacs facilities working experience, we suggest a realistic dose limit for the SARAF which will allow hands-on maintenance. At this approach the annual dose limit for design (define as 1/10 of the annual dose limit for worker, 2000 mrem), will be taken into account at the maintenance program of the linac. We also repeated the residual activity calculation along the SC linac with novel experimental cross sections. Based on this analysis we suggest that the beam loss criterion will vary along the SC linac to keep the dose rate below 10 mrem/h. In this new definition the beam loss criterion is around 200 nA/m in the MEBT and decreases to 1 nA/m at 40 MeV.
Beam loss criterion for beam dynamics simulation is derived from the dose rate level which will allow hands-on maintenance. In this short paper we define a new beam loss criterion for SARAF SC (Super Conducting) linac based on the hands-on maintenance criterion used successfully for maintenance of high energy high intensity proton linacs. According to the high intensity proton linacs facilities working experience, we suggest a realistic dose limit for the SARAF which will allow hands-on maintenance. At this approach the annual dose limit for design (define as 1/10 of the annual dose limit for worker, 2000 mrem), will be taken into account at the maintenance program of the linac. We also repeated the residual activity calculation along the SC linac with novel experimental cross sections. Based on this analysis we suggest that the beam loss criterion will vary along the SC linac to keep the dose rate below 10 mrem/h. In this new definition the beam loss criterion is around 200 nA/m in the MEBT and decreases to 1 nA/m at 40 MeV.
07-25-2009-0015 ( 160KB )
Deliverable D7 – Beam loss calculations
22/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :R. DUPERRIER - D. URIOT
Task 7 - Deliverable D7
Task 7 - Deliverable D7
07-25-2009-0014 ( 785KB )
Deliverable D6 - High Energy Beam Transport
22/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, R. Paparella, D. Zenere, F. Scarpa, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy;
D. Berkovits, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel;
Isao Yamane, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.
Task 7 - Deliverable D6
Task 7 - Deliverable D6
07-25-2009-0013 ( 785KB )
Deliverable D5-Ion Injector
22/06/2009 -Task : TASK 7
Author(s) :A. Facco, A. Balabin, F. Scarpa, D. Zenere, INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy; D. Berkovits, J. Rodnizki, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel; V. Zvyagintsev, TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
Task 7 Deliverable D5
Task 7 Deliverable D5
07-25-2009-0012 ( 1886KB )
Publications from 1 to 10 of 21