Publications: Internal Task note
Final report on Task6 activities- Deliverable D6
17/09/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :MH Moscatello and all task6 participants
This report presents the Task6 activities performed during the EURISOL DS period. It corresponds to Deliverable D6
This report presents the Task6 activities performed during the EURISOL DS period. It corresponds to Deliverable D6
06-25-2009-0024 ( 6761KB )
Comparison between normal conducting and superconducting options
28/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :G.Bisoffi
This document presents a comparison between both RFQ solution. It is the deliverable D3-M4.3
This document presents a comparison between both RFQ solution. It is the deliverable D3-M4.3
06-25-2009-0023 ( 212KB )
Beam dynamics simulation - final version report
28/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :G.Normand
This report is the final version for the beam dynamics calculation and corresponds to the deliverable D1-M2.2
This report is the final version for the beam dynamics calculation and corresponds to the deliverable D1-M2.2
06-25-2009-0022 ( 7412KB )
Diamond detector R&D for low intensity heavy ion beam profilers
28/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :N.Orr
This document presents the development of the diamond detectors for low intensity heavy ion beams and the results obtained with beams. It corresponds to the deliverables D4-M5.2 and D4-M5.3
This document presents the development of the diamond detectors for low intensity heavy ion beams and the results obtained with beams. It corresponds to the deliverables D4-M5.2 and D4-M5.3
06-25-2009-0021 ( 20627KB )
RIB Diagnostics - Design preparation
28/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :N.Orr
This document presents the design preparation phase for the RIB diagnostic development. It corresponds to the deliverable D5-M4.1
This document presents the design preparation phase for the RIB diagnostic development. It corresponds to the deliverable D5-M4.1
06-25-2009-0020 ( 66KB )
27/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :M. Di Giacomo
This report presents solutions for the cooling and connection of the fast chopper electrode
This report presents solutions for the cooling and connection of the fast chopper electrode
06-25-2009-0019 ( 295KB )
Fast chopper prototype tests
15/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :M.Di Giacomo
This report presents the results of the tests on the pulser-electrode system prototype. It is D5/M6.3 deliverable
This report presents the results of the tests on the pulser-electrode system prototype. It is D5/M6.3 deliverable
06-25-2009-0018 ( 630KB )
Fast chopper construction of prototype - Final report
15/07/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :M. Di Giacomo
G. Le Dem
This report is the deliverable D5/M6.2
This report is the deliverable D5/M6.2
06-25-2009-0017 ( 1540KB )
Beam measurements with NC MAFF RFQ
23/06/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :A.Bechtold
This document presents the results of the beam tests with the NC RFQ for the MAFF facility
This document presents the results of the beam tests with the NC RFQ for the MAFF facility
06-25-2009-0016 ( 5632KB )
SC RFQ engineering desgin revised
23/06/2009 -Task : TASK 6
Author(s) :G.Bisoffi
This document presents the design for the EURISOL post-accelerator SC RFQ solution.It corresponds to the deliverable M4.2
This document presents the design for the EURISOL post-accelerator SC RFQ solution.It corresponds to the deliverable M4.2
06-25-2009-0015 ( 4175KB )
Publications from 1 to 10 of 24